Storing and stacking of cement bags

Once a reliable, waterproof cement dump or building is available, specific and crucial safety precautions should be taken when storing the cement bags to avoid any potential contact with moisture and to guarantee the orderly operation of the warehouse.

No cement bags should ever be stacked up against an exterior wall. The outer wall and the stacks should have at least a 60 cm open space between them.

Bags should also be stacked off the ground and placed on wooden boards. But if the floor is made of solid, dry concrete, you can spread polythene sheet or tarpaulin over it before placing the bags down.

The stack of cement bags should be packed tightly together to minimize air circulation.

Cement bags shouldn’t be piled further than 10- bags high to avoid
lumping of “storehouse pack” under pressure. Should the mound be advanced
arrange the bags in header- and- stretcher style, i.e. alternatively length
wise and cross-wise, to achieve interlocking between them and
reducing the peril of tripping over. The arrangement of two stack
with a height of seven bags and ten bags independently.

The cement bags should be completely enclosed in polythene sheets (at least 700 microns thick), if they won’t be needed for an extended period of time during the rainy season. This can be achieved by making a large loose sack of the polythene sheet and arranging cement bags within it, with the flaps of the sheet closing on the top of the pile. Care should be taken to ensure that the polythene sheet is not damaged at any time while in use.

The Don’ts In Storage Of Bagged Cement

1. Don’t store the bags in a building the walls, roof, and floor of which are not completely weatherproof.

2. Don’t store the bags in a new warehouse until the interiors have thoroughly dried out.

3. Don’t be content with badly fitting windows and doors, but see that they are kept tightly shut.

4. Don’t stack the bags against the wall. Similarly, pile off-the-floor on wooden planks except in the case of a dry concrete floor.

5. Don’t forget to pile bags close together.

6.Don’t pile more than 10-bags high, and arrange the bags in header-and-stretcher fashion

7. Don’t disturb the stored cement until it is to be taken out for use.

8. Don’t take out bags from one tier only. Step back two or three tiers.

9. Don’t keep dead storage, that is, a stack which remains in place for a long time while other consignments of cement come in and go out.

10. Don’t stack bags on the ground for temporary storage at works site. Pile up on a raised dry platform and cover with tarpaulins.

Use Of Cement

Cement is a chemical powder that acts as a binding material in construction and is used as a binder in mortar, concrete, and reinforced cement concrete. In fact, cement is a component of concrete and a leading civil engineering material.

Cement used to prepare Cement mortar for masonry work (like brick bonding, stone masonry etc), plinth, plastering, pointing, etc.

Brick Masonry for Skill Development

To prepare fresh concrete for construction of sub- structure structure(Foundations) and super structure of building by laying foundations, masonry unit(wall and columns), floor structure, roof structure , stair and building finishes.

Roof Top Slab Casting Using Cement

Cement is used for the construction of civil engineering structures such as earthquake resistance buildings, bridges, fly overs, culverts, dams, irrigation canals, syphons, aqueducts, pavement quality concrete, precast structures, concrete road , footpaths, tunnels, storage reservoirs, light houses, docks, ports, airports, railway stations, bus stands, big shopping malls, production factories, apartments and skyline etc.

As we know, every construction needs cement as a versatile construction material like fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, and reinforcement steel etc. Previously, only Portland cement was used as hydraulic cement, but now there are more than 13 types of cement introduced in the cement industry for different purposes of construction. For most constructions, Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement(PPC), Portland Slag Cement(PSC), and Composite Cement are used. 

Portland Pozzolana Cement and Composite Cement used for Residential Construction

For a particular construction, the usage of cement according to its grade and setting time is far more crucial. Typically, we use cement without looking at the test certificate(TC) or manufacturing date . Instead of judging cement by its colour, consider its chemical and physical characteristics. Are you doing your construction with the proper type of cement?

What is Composite Cement?

Composite cement is combination of Portland Pozzolana Cement and Portland Slag Cement. Both slag and fly ash used in composite cement provide an extra advantage in strength development and increase concrete performance. Composite cements provide a compressive strength of more than 33 MPa at 28 days of casting.

Composite cements are cements in which a proportion of the Portland cement clinker is replaced by fly ash (also known as pulverized-fuel ash or pfa),slag(granulated blast furnace slag).Under IS: 16415-2015, Composite Cement is covered and offers a fantastic opportunity to create highly durable, high-strength concrete.

High grade clinker (IS:16353-2015), fly ash (IS:3812 (Part 1) – 2013), granulated slag (IS:12089-1987), and gypsum are combined to produce composite cement. Clinker (35% to 65%), fly ash (15% to 35%), granulated slag (20% to 50%), and gypsum (3% to 5%) make up the typical range of these components.

Composite Cement Component Composition

This contemporary product is the result of the homogeneous blending of highly reactive fly ash, slag with a high glass content, and high-quality clinker, and it offers both consumers and society as a whole a number of advantages. The cement company’s Composite Cement is perfect for coastal areas since it has alkaline and sulphate resistance qualities. This cement is extremely advanced, providing ordinary Portland Cement with better cohesiveness, superior workability, and a lower water requirement.

By replacing a higher percentage of clinker and having a lower carbon footprint than general used cement, composite cement offers a better possibility to save natural resources and mines, namely limestone, without losing the properties and characteristics of concrete . Many cement companies are approving and producing composite cement for various concrete applications in the construction industry.

Benefits of Composite Cement

To decrease Carbon Emissions Comparison to Ordinary Portland Cement, and Portland Pozzolana Cement.
Environment Friendly.
Less Use Of Clinker which will save our Mines.
Reuse of by-product(Fly Ash and Slag).
Found both Benefits of Portland Pozzolana Cement and Portland Slag Cement which is First Setting and Durability.
Excellent Early Strength as Comparison to Portland Pozzolana Cement.
It has better cohesiveness, excellent workability, and requires less water than Ordinary Portland Cement. 
Good resistance properties to alkaline and sulphate weather, which makes it ideal for coastal regions.

High Chemical Resistance.

Lower heat of hydration.

Who is Civil Trainer?

Nowadays, the skills of any professional are checked by their organization or company through a specified standard assessment. Professional skill gaps must be filled through training programs. Skill development of professionals in their core trade plays a very important role in the civil engineering and construction sectors.

Civil Trainer

The term “Civil Trainer” was created by some skill development companies and their human resources departments for the conduction of RPL and training programs for a construction project. A Civil Trainer is basically a civil engineer having a minimum qualification (diploma in civil engineering) and is also certified by the National Skill Development Corporation as per their standard level.

Skill Development Training Program

The Civil Trainer has trade knowledge and practical experience in a variety of construction-related job roles such as masons, bartenders, carpenters, plumbers, painters, construction supervisors, and safety supervisors, among others. 

Level Of Civil Trainer

The Civil Trainers circulate the technical knowledge and skills from unskilled labour to the project manager of a construction project as per their trade. According to the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF), the level of trainer starts from level 1 to level 10 and is divided into three segments: the labour segment, the supervisor segment, and the manager segment by their education and qualifications. The trainer does registration for TOT and assessment programmes for specific segments, and once he/she passes the assessment, they are certified. A trainer is capable of providing training officially after getting certification from the National Skill Development Corporation(NSDC) and the Construction Skill Development Council of India(CSDCI).

Construction sector career path pyramid

ToT and Assessment of Civil Trainer

A aspirant can only be converted to a trainer after gaining NSQF qualification and certification. For this, a Training of Trainer (ToT) is conducted by a recognized skill development sector or institution for a specified time period, followed by an assessment program conducted for the trainer. The passing trainer certified the result.

Assessment of Civil Trainer

Both theoretical and practical sessions are included in ToT and Assessment. ToT and assessment mechanisms are followed by National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF). Various Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) are developing Qualification Packs (QPs) and National Occupational Standards (NOSs).

Appointment of Civil Trainer

The term “Civil Trainer” was created by some private companies who deal with skill development training program at construction sites or centers. Many government and private organizations do Corporate Social Responsibility(CRS)activities by providing skill development training program through some private companies that deal with skill training program. Those private companies hire certified trainers as civil trainers who conduct skill development training program at their company or organization.

Many companies hire non-certified civil trainers as per their expertise and experience, then make arrangements for their certification with some terms and conditions.

Role and Responsibility of Civil Trainer

The role of civil trainer is almost the same in all companies, but the responsibility is different. The responsibility of a civil trainer depends upon the company’s job culture and project SOP.

Job Role of Civil Trainer

  1. Schedule skill development programs in conjunction with Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE).
  2. Follow the National Occupation Standards(NOS) and Qualification Pack(QP) prescribed by the National Skill Development Corporation(NSDC).
  3. Identify the unskilled, semi-skilled, and highly-skilled trainees from the registered RPL batch.
  4. Find the skill gap of a trainee and upgrade them from unskilled to skilled, then skilled to high-skilled.
  5. Prepare a lesson plan and a session plan for the training program.
  6. Do both theoretical and practical sessions for the trainee.
  7. Prepare a daily training report and a weekly training report.
  8. Make a survey on productivity improvement and training effectiveness before and after training.
  9. Prepare a summary sheet on pre and post productivity analysis.
  10. The main role of a civil trainer is to provide training to trainees (from the construction industry) and make them more skilled with certification.

Many times, the training center is not available for training in rural areas and mountain areas where civil trainers face difficulty reaching that place to start training at a scheduled time. A civil trainer provides on-site training for 8 hours, which is very difficult. So the training center must be allocated before the training programs so it runs smoothly.

Difference between Ordinary Portland Cement and Portland Pozzolana Cement and Portland Slag Cement and Composite Cement.

Ordinary Portland Cement was the most used cement as 33 grade,43 grade and 53 grade in the construction world as a basic ingredient of mortar, concrete and RCC etc. It is a fine chemical powder, produced by heating limestone and clay minerals.

Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC) contain lime as clinker(95%) and gypsum (5%).Difference between Ordinary Portland Cement and other cement is its contain maximum percentage of lime stone(Clinker) and provide more initial setting strength compare to Portland Pozzolana Cement, Portland Slag Cement and Composite cement.

In case of Ordinary Portland Cement heat of hydration is more faster than others and it gains 95% early strength at 7 days of curing. Ordinary Portland Cement mainly consists of lime ,silica, alumina and iron oxide as raw material.

Portland Pozzolana Cement(PPC) is a variation of Ordinary Portland Cement .Generally fly ash added to OPC as pozzolana material to produce Portland Pozzolana Cement. Portland Pozzolana Cement contain fly ash not less than 15% and not more than 35% by weight of cement ,5%of gypsum and rest amount of Portland cement clinker.

PPC has low initial setting strength compared to OPC but it gain more than standard strength at 28 days. As compare to OPC , heat of hydration of PPC is less faster. PPC provide more strength than OPC in a long time duration. PPC has higher concrete density compare to OPC so that PPC is suitable for coastal area construction with aggressive weather conditions.

Portland Slag Cement(PSC) is manufactured by blending a mixture of Ordinary Portland Cement and slag instead of fly ash, in proportion not less than 25% and not more than 65% by weight of cement,5% of gypsum and rest amount of Portland cement clinker.

Portland Slag Cement

Portland Slag Cement(PSC) consumes 30% less electrical energy during production. Another major difference between Ordinary Portland Cement and Portland Slag Cement is that Portland Slag Cement provide greater compressive and flexural strength at later age (after 7 days) where OPC deals with quick strength. PSC has lower heat of hydration.

Composite Cement has no similar chemistry to OPC but its combination of Portland Pozzolana Cement and Portland Slag Cement. Composite cement contain declared percentage of fly ash and slag.

Composition Of Composite Cement

In Composite Cement the content of fly ash not less than 15% and not more than 35%,content of slag not less than 20% and not more than 50%,5% of gypsum and rest OPC clinker.

This composite Cement gain more than standard compresive strength (33Mpa,min) in 28days of casting. Now a days most of cement company produce composite cement as their premier brand as example Platinum Supremo Cement, Dalmia Composite Cement, COMP CEM, Maha Solid Cement, ROOFON Cement etc.

What is cement?

Cement is a fine chemical powder contain mixture of calcium silicate ,aluminates and gypsum used as binding material in construction works. Cement is most used alternative binding material of lime now a days. Actually cement provide more strength than lime as per civil engineering.

Composite Cement

The cement is obtained by burning the mixture of calcareous and argillaceous material at high temperature (about 1400 degree centigrade to 1600 degree centigrade).The calcined product is called “Clinker“. Then about 5% of gypsum added to clinker and then pulverized in very fine chemical powder which is known as cement.

Cement Production Plant

What Is Mix Design?

Mix Design is process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and determining the relative quantities with the object of producing as economically as possible concrete of certain minimum properties, namely consistency, strength and durability.

Types of cement In market and Its general composition

According to Civil Engineering material books there are more that 13 type of cements available in construction world. But in Indian cement industry produce its product as per construction need. Generally 4 type of cement production going on at cement plant or grinding unit.

For construction practice 4 types of cement used as Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement(PPC), Portland Slag Cement(PSC) and Composite Cement.

4 Types Of Cement

There are three grade of OPC available in cement industry are 33 Grade, 43 Grade and 53 Grade but conservation of lime stone ,the use of OPC decrease. Government restricted cement companies to produce OPC until its urgency. In case of structure demand ,production of OPC generated as non trade(Not For Sale).OPC contain 95% of lime and 5% of gypsum.

Many cement company provide OPC as Non Trade cement category directly to construction site. Now a days OPC only used at construction site by licensed contractor or building.

Non Trade Ordinary Portland Cement

Mostly PPC used at construction project. Many cement dealer sells PPC at their shop due to is dark colour and initial high strength. PPC contain not less than 15% and not more than 35% of flyash ,5% gypsum and rest % of lime.

Composition Of Portland Pozzolana Cement

Portland Slag Cement used in massive structure and its provide later strength. But this Portland Slag Cement gain more strength than Portland Pozzolana after 7 days of casting. Portland Slag Cement contain not less than 25% and not more than 65% of slag,5% of gypsum and rest % of lime.

Composition Of Portland Slag Cement

To reduce the use of lime stone in cement and utilize the fly ash and slag ,many cement brand launch their composite cement now a days. Composite cement provide required minimum 33 MPa strength in 28 days of casting. Composite cement contain not less than 15% and not more than 35% of flyash, not less than 25% and not more than 65% of slag,5% of gypsum and rest % of lime. Its a good quality cement for our environment.

Composition of Composite Cement

As we know PPC and PSC are generally used in construction practice, but now most of cement company comes with its composite cement which provide same strength as compare to other and cement industries gain more profit by use using this civil engineering technology.