Who is Civil Trainer?

Nowadays, the skills of any professional are checked by their organization or company through a specified standard assessment. Professional skill gaps must be filled through training programs. Skill development of professionals in their core trade plays a very important role in the civil engineering and construction sectors.

Civil Trainer

The term “Civil Trainer” was created by some skill development companies and their human resources departments for the conduction of RPL and training programs for a construction project. A Civil Trainer is basically a civil engineer having a minimum qualification (diploma in civil engineering) and is also certified by the National Skill Development Corporation as per their standard level.

Skill Development Training Program

The Civil Trainer has trade knowledge and practical experience in a variety of construction-related job roles such as masons, bartenders, carpenters, plumbers, painters, construction supervisors, and safety supervisors, among others. 

Level Of Civil Trainer

The Civil Trainers circulate the technical knowledge and skills from unskilled labour to the project manager of a construction project as per their trade. According to the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF), the level of trainer starts from level 1 to level 10 and is divided into three segments: the labour segment, the supervisor segment, and the manager segment by their education and qualifications. The trainer does registration for TOT and assessment programmes for specific segments, and once he/she passes the assessment, they are certified. A trainer is capable of providing training officially after getting certification from the National Skill Development Corporation(NSDC) and the Construction Skill Development Council of India(CSDCI).

Construction sector career path pyramid

ToT and Assessment of Civil Trainer

A aspirant can only be converted to a trainer after gaining NSQF qualification and certification. For this, a Training of Trainer (ToT) is conducted by a recognized skill development sector or institution for a specified time period, followed by an assessment program conducted for the trainer. The passing trainer certified the result.

Assessment of Civil Trainer

Both theoretical and practical sessions are included in ToT and Assessment. ToT and assessment mechanisms are followed by National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF). Various Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) are developing Qualification Packs (QPs) and National Occupational Standards (NOSs).

Appointment of Civil Trainer

The term “Civil Trainer” was created by some private companies who deal with skill development training program at construction sites or centers. Many government and private organizations do Corporate Social Responsibility(CRS)activities by providing skill development training program through some private companies that deal with skill training program. Those private companies hire certified trainers as civil trainers who conduct skill development training program at their company or organization.

Many companies hire non-certified civil trainers as per their expertise and experience, then make arrangements for their certification with some terms and conditions.

Role and Responsibility of Civil Trainer

The role of civil trainer is almost the same in all companies, but the responsibility is different. The responsibility of a civil trainer depends upon the company’s job culture and project SOP.

Job Role of Civil Trainer

  1. Schedule skill development programs in conjunction with Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE).
  2. Follow the National Occupation Standards(NOS) and Qualification Pack(QP) prescribed by the National Skill Development Corporation(NSDC).
  3. Identify the unskilled, semi-skilled, and highly-skilled trainees from the registered RPL batch.
  4. Find the skill gap of a trainee and upgrade them from unskilled to skilled, then skilled to high-skilled.
  5. Prepare a lesson plan and a session plan for the training program.
  6. Do both theoretical and practical sessions for the trainee.
  7. Prepare a daily training report and a weekly training report.
  8. Make a survey on productivity improvement and training effectiveness before and after training.
  9. Prepare a summary sheet on pre and post productivity analysis.
  10. The main role of a civil trainer is to provide training to trainees (from the construction industry) and make them more skilled with certification.

Many times, the training center is not available for training in rural areas and mountain areas where civil trainers face difficulty reaching that place to start training at a scheduled time. A civil trainer provides on-site training for 8 hours, which is very difficult. So the training center must be allocated before the training programs so it runs smoothly.

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