Non-governmental organizations in India are of three types. There are trusts, societies, and Section 8 companies. Section 8 companies are a combination of trust and society.


Utkala Kranti Foundation Section 8 NGO does social work for art, culture, literature, science, education, social development, etc. Utkala Kranti Foundation’s operations encompass environmental, social, advocacy, and human rights activity.

Directors And Admin Of Utkala Kranti Foundation

They can work to promote social or political change at a national or local level. Utkala Kranti Foundation plays an important role in societal development, community improvement, and citizen engagement.

Education Opportunity For The Poor And Underprivileged Children

The Utkala Kranti Foundation works to eliminate poverty by creating initiatives that give livelihood opportunities, vocational training, and access to key resources for poor individuals and communities. Work to eliminate poverty by establishing programs that give livelihood possibilities, vocational training, and access to key resources for poor individuals and communities.

Study Material and Snacks Distribution at Basti Area

The Utkala Kranti Foundation’s involvement in accountability and transparency. It is critical to good governance and effective implementation. To promote transparency, the Utkala Kranti Foundation opts to keep annual reports available to the public.

Cooking Food Distribution At Old Age Home

Utkala Kranti Foundation conducts social service without any accommodations. Utkala Kranti Foundation also planning for educational training, vocational education, skill development, enabling livelihood, women empowerment, health care, food and cloth donation to needy, develop platform skill, donation of blanket and mosquito net, cleanliness drive, rural sanitation etc.

Soap and Phenyl Distribution
Jala Chatra/Free Water Kiosk by Utkala Kranti Foundation

Hydration Of Cement

The chemical reaction between cement and water is known as Hydration of Cement.

Heat of hydration of Ordinary Portland Cement during 7 days is about 89-90cal/gm and during 28 days is about 90-100 cal/gm

Water-About 23% of by weight of cement is required to carry out the complete hydration.

About 15% of water is used up in filling voids of the cement particles, hence effectively 38% of water (by weight of cement) is required to carry out complete hydration.

Which Cement Is Best?

Do not believe any cement brand that is promoted by a cement dealer or representative from the cement industry; instead, believe the test results of cement as documented by the cement’s test certificate. Every cement brand is already approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), but as a cement buyer, you must properly evaluate the cement’s physical and chemical qualities in a concrete laboratory before construction.

There are more than 13 types of cement used in construction industries for various purposes, according to civil engineering. Ordinary Portland Cement, Pozzolana Portland Cement, Portland Slag Cement, and Composite Cement are typically used for residential construction (individual house builders), however these types of cement are made by numerous cement producing companies.

Each cement manufacturer has a technical team that handles customer service for cement quality testing and project site visits. Always request a recent week test certificate from the Technical Service Officer (Civil Engineer) of a separate cement manufacturer, which has been certified by a quality control laboratory. Collect and compare all the recent week test certificates from different cement companies and consult with a quality control engineer to identify the best results about the physical and chemical properties of cement.

Test Certificate Of Cement

But as a result, every cement company’s test certificate from its quality control laboratory, which is present at the cement plant, provides suitable results as per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). So to cross-verify, you should take 3kg of different cement from a different brand (company) that is available near your cement store and test its properties as per your requirements in quality control laboratory, like its fineness, compressive strength, etc.

Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar(Ratio 1:3)

Also check the expiration date of the cement on the stretcher portion of the cement bag after receiving it, and for satisfaction, ask the cement dealer or distributor for technical service from the respective brand of cement. Every cement brand obeys the standard specifications prescribed by BIS, so all cement provides good strength and durability in our structures, but a cross-check is needed because many local cement dealers sell duplicate low-quality cements that are prepared illegally without authentication.

Chemical Properties of Cement

Cement, as a fine chemical powder for construction, is a heavily laboratory-tested construction material. The various chemical characteristics, which influence the quality of cement are: Lime saturation factor(LSF),Insoluble residue (IR),Sulphuric anhydrid (SO),Magnesia (MgO), Loss on ignition (LOI),Alkalis (as Na2 O equivalent), Chlorides (CI).

Lime saturation factor(LSF)

LSF is an indicator of the degree of fixation of lime in cement, which in turn denotes the level of reactivity of the product. LSF is the ratio of the percentage of lime to the sum of the percentages of silica, alumina and iron oxide. This factor should not be greater than 1.02 and not less than 0.66. If this factor is higher towards 1.0, it means the cement has higher tricalcium silicone (CS). This will not only make the cement, to gain early strength but also liberate higher heat of hydration.

On the other hand, if the factor is less, say 0.70, the cement has higher dicalcium silicate (CS), which makes the cement to gain strength slowly. A higher LSF value also denotes higher burnability of clinker, needing higher temperature of burning. Additionally, it results in a larger percentage of free lime in clinker. This value is typically maintained in Indian cement mother plant or grinding unit between 0.85 and 0.95.

Insoluble Residue(IR) of Cement

All the four compounds of cement (CS, CS, CA and CAF). Mg and CaSO, are soluble in hydrochloric acid. But free silica (quartz), impurities in gypsum or some types of adulterants are insoluble. BIS restricts the maximum limit of these insolubles at 3 per cent in OPC to check any possibility of adulteration. In case of PPC, the IR will depend upon the content of fly ash or calcined clay in the cement. Therefore, any value of insolubles residue higher than the prescribed values indicates adulteration in OPC However, this value is different for blended cements and is determined by a separate formula.

Sulphuric Anhydrid (SO3)

Gypsum is added to clinker at the time of grinding to retard the flash setting effect of CA. It is therefore termed as “set retarder” and serves to provide the required workability of cement paste before its application The quantum of gypsum added depends on the amount of CA present in clinker and the duration of retardation desired after mixing with water. The gypsum added to the cement is present in the form of sulphuric anhydride. Most of it is consumed during hydration but excess, if any, may cause expansion in hardened concrete.


Excess MgO present in the form of a synthetic mineral phase periclase hydrates very slowly and the product of hydration expands, causing expansion cracks in the concrete. Therefore BIS limits the amount of MgO in cement.

Loss on Ignition(LOI)

Loss on ignition of cement is determined by heating a cement sample to 900-1000°C. until a constant weight is obtained. Normally a high loss on ignition is an indication of pre-hydration and carbonation, which may be caused by prolonged and improper storage, or adulteration during transportation. BIS specifies a 5-per cent upper limit for loss on ignition.

Alkalis (as Na2O equivalent)

Alkalis in cement come from raw materials. These are expressed as Na2O equivalent and BIS has laid down a limit of 0.6 per cent alkalis for low alkali OPC. A higher percentage of alkalis in cement may cause alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete if reactive silica is present in the aggregates used.


Chlorides in cement again owe to raw materials used in manufacture. Excess presence of chlorides results in corrosion of reinforcement in RCC. The latest IS 456-2000 Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete limits the total acid-soluble chloride content in concrete to 0.6 kg/m for RCC and 0,4 kg/m for prestressed concrete. As per BIS the permissible limit of chloride in cement is 0.1 per cent for normal concrete and 0.05 per cent for prestressed concretes.

Physical Properties of Cement

Some essential physical properties of cement determine its quality and fitness for construction: fineness, setting time, soundness and compressive strength.

Fineness of Cement

The quality of a cement depends to a great extent on the fineness of grinding. Finely ground cement has a higher initial strength, for it hydrates faster than coarsely ground cement. Fineness is normally expressed in blaine (m/kg). It means that if one kg of cement is taken, the sum total of the surface area of all its particles will be so many m², which is in SI units. For Indian cements, normally it varies between 225 and 325 m²/kg. Sometimes, it is also expressed CGS system (cm/g), in which case this value is multiplied by 10 and ranges accordingly between 2250 and 3250 cm³/g .

Fineness of cement is determined by air permeability (Blaine apparatus) method or sieve analysis. Air permeability or Blaine method: In this method, the air permeability of a bed of cement is measured from the time taken for a certain quantity of air to flow through the cement bed under specified conditions. The specific surface of the cement in cm³/g is then calculated from the air permeability. This method is mostly used in the cement industry.

Setting Time of Cement

Cement sets and gives concrete sufficient strength within a reasonable time. Naturally, the cement must not set too rapidly in order to give enough time for applying the mortar or laying the concrete. Setting must be finished in a suitable amount of time after mixing and placement, which is equally crucial. Accordingly, two terms initial and final set are used to describe setting time. Broadly speaking, setting refers to a change from a fluid to a rigid state. Setting should be clearly distinguished from hardening, which refers to the gain in strength of a set cement paste.

Initial Setting Time of Cement

This is the time during which the cement paste remains in plastic condition and can be moulded into any shape. Therefore, mixing, transportation, placing and compaction shall be completed within initial setting time. Concrete should not be disturbed after initial set. During initial setting, rapid rise in temperature takes place attaining a peak during the final set. The setting time of cement decreases as the ambient temperature rises. Normally, initial setting time is kept at 100–140 minutes, against the minimum IS requirement of 30 minutes. The higher value is meant to allow for manual operations as well as the higher ambient temperatures found in most parts of India. 

Final Setting Time of Cement

This is the duration after which the cement paste loses its plasticity and becomes rigid. The paste has attained its highest temperature at this point. Following the completion of the last setting time, the cement paste/concrete begins to harden (gain strength). The final setting is normally kept between 200-300 minutes against the requirement of 600 minutes (Max) as per IS.

Soundness of Cement

Soundness refers to volume (dimensional) stability of hardened cement It is necessary that a cement paste, once set, should not undergo any volume change. In particular there should be no expansion, otherwise under restraint conditions, cracks may develop in the hardened paste. The expansion may take place due to delayed or slow hydration on account of the presence of free lime, magnesia and/or calcium sulphate in the cement. Free lime is the CaO in excess of what can chemically combine with other oxides in the kiln. Lime externally added to cement does not produce unsoundness because it hydrates rapidly. whereas free lime in clinker (in inter-crystallised form) hydrates slowly and causes unsoundness. In good quality cement, free lime should not exceed 1 to 1.5 per cent. The soundness of cement is determined by either Le Chatelier or autoclave test.

Le Chatelier test: Determines the expansion of a cement paste owing to the presence of free (uncombined) lime using the Le Chatelier apparatus. The apparatus measures the lengthwise expansion of hardened cement. As per IS, the maximum limit of expansion is 10 mm. However, for most good-quality cements, it varies between 1 and 2 mm. This test detects unsoundness due to the presence of free lime only.

Autoclave test: The presence of magnesia (MgO) in crystalline form (periclase) can cause a cement to fail in the autoclave. It expands after the hardening of cement paste and leads to crack formation. Therefore, an accelerated test (using an  autoclave, which is sensitive to both free lime and free magnesium), The permissible limit (heating under pressure) is done. (Max) as per IS for expansion in the autoclave test is 0.8 percent, while most good-quality cements give a value of 0.1 to 0.2 percent (max).

Compressive Strength of Cement

Compressive strength is the most important property of cement. Depending upon its class and type, a cement should attain the compressive strengths stipulated in the cement standard at 3, 7 and 28 days. Owing to the difference between the test methods, different cement standards are not entirely comparable. In general, a lower water-cement ratio and a higher proportion of cement result in higher strength.

Strength tests are not made on neat cement paste, but on 1:3 cement- sand mortar using standard sand (Ennore sand following IS Specifications)

Ennore Sand for Compressive Test of Cement

There are several forms of strength tests: direct tension, direct compression and flexure. As per IS, direct compression method is used and cement-sand mortars are tested for 3, 7 and 28-day strength as per standard testing procedure following IS specifications

In cement-mortar cube testing, the weight of water is determined by normal consistency test. 70.7 mm cubes are made using a vibrating table and the cubes are demoulded after 24 hours (temp. maintained at 27±2° C and relative humidity at 90 per cent) and further cured in water until tested in a wet surface condition.

The cubes are tested at 3, 7 and 28 days, because 3-day strength is nearly half of 28-day strength and 7-day strength is nearly two-thirds of 28-day strength. The compressive strength is expressed as mega Pascals (MPa) or Newtons per mm (N/mm). Both units are the same. In case it is expressed as kg/cm then, the values shall be multiplied by 10(33MP-330 kg/cm³).

Advantages of Concrete Pavement

  1. Long life (30-40 years)
  2. Practically maintenance free
  3. Good riding quality throughout life
  4. Free of pot holes
  5. Vehicle movement faster, reduced travel time, and vehicle damage
  6. No effect of oil
  7. Concrete surface impervious to water
  8. Better skid resistance
  9. Concrete road can withstand extremes of weather
  10. Better performance over poor soil subgrade
  11. Fuel saving @ 14% compared to bitumen pavement
  12. Better reflectivity on concrete roads
  13. Pollution free construction
  14. In urban areas, frequent repair and maintenance of flexible pavement causes inconvenience to users, which is not the case with concrete pavement.

Cement Storage Godown or Warehouse Requirements

The walls must be of waterproof concrete or masonry construction. (If concrete blocks are not available or cannot be made, brick masonry plastered with cement-sand plaster on both faces may be used.)

The roof must preferably be of reinforced concrete construction overlaid with a waterproofing course. AC/GI sheet or tiled roof construction may be used provided they are waterproof.

The floor must be raised by at least 45 cm above the ground level to prevent any inflow of water. The flooring may consist of a 15-cm thick concrete slab or layer of dry bricks laid in two courses over a layer of earth consolidated to a thickness of 15 cm above the ground level. Although not shown on the drawing, the ground is drained away from the building to prevent accumulation of rainwater in its vicinity. All these precautions ensure that the floor will remain absolutely dry.

For further protection, cement bags should be stacked at least 10-20 cm clear above the floor by providing wooden battens and planking arrangement . For saving timber, concrete may be used.

For further protection, cement bags should be stacked at least 10-20 cm clear above the floor by providing wooden battens and planking arrangement . For saving timber, concrete may be used.

The plinth should be high enough for a lorry to back conveniently to the door so that the chassis and the building floors are almost at the same level, thus making loading and unloading of bags very easy.

Windows provided, if any, should be very few in number and of small size, and normally kept tightly closed to prevent entry of atmospheric moisture from outside. The door should also be air-tight.

A newly constructed godown should not be used for storage of cement unless its interior is thoroughly dry.

What are the requirements of a warehouse used for storing cement? Building Requirements for Storage of Cement Bags. What are the requirements of a warehouse used for storing cement?https://civiltrainer.com/?p=56

Heat of hydration of cement

All cements liberate heat to varying extents during hardening, termed as heat of hydration. Ordinary portland cement(OPC), during the first four weeks or 28 days of hardening. liberates nearly total heat of hydration to the extent of about 80-90 cal/g. Where great masses of concrete are involved, as in large hydraulic structures (dams, barrages, reservoirs etc.), there is always a risk of thermal expansion and eventual cracks arising from the thermal stresses. In blended cements (PPC, PSC, Composite Cement), rate of heat liberation is comparatively lower than Ordinary Portland Cement. Therefore for mass concreting works, blended cements would be a preferred choice.