Cement Storage Godown or Warehouse Requirements

The walls must be of waterproof concrete or masonry construction. (If concrete blocks are not available or cannot be made, brick masonry plastered with cement-sand plaster on both faces may be used.)

The roof must preferably be of reinforced concrete construction overlaid with a waterproofing course. AC/GI sheet or tiled roof construction may be used provided they are waterproof.

The floor must be raised by at least 45 cm above the ground level to prevent any inflow of water. The flooring may consist of a 15-cm thick concrete slab or layer of dry bricks laid in two courses over a layer of earth consolidated to a thickness of 15 cm above the ground level. Although not shown on the drawing, the ground is drained away from the building to prevent accumulation of rainwater in its vicinity. All these precautions ensure that the floor will remain absolutely dry.

For further protection, cement bags should be stacked at least 10-20 cm clear above the floor by providing wooden battens and planking arrangement . For saving timber, concrete may be used.

For further protection, cement bags should be stacked at least 10-20 cm clear above the floor by providing wooden battens and planking arrangement . For saving timber, concrete may be used.

The plinth should be high enough for a lorry to back conveniently to the door so that the chassis and the building floors are almost at the same level, thus making loading and unloading of bags very easy.

Windows provided, if any, should be very few in number and of small size, and normally kept tightly closed to prevent entry of atmospheric moisture from outside. The door should also be air-tight.

A newly constructed godown should not be used for storage of cement unless its interior is thoroughly dry.

What are the requirements of a warehouse used for storing cement? Building Requirements for Storage of Cement Bags. What are the requirements of a warehouse used for storing cement?https://civiltrainer.com/?p=56