The Don’ts In Storage Of Bagged Cement

1. Don’t store the bags in a building the walls, roof, and floor of which are not completely weatherproof.

2. Don’t store the bags in a new warehouse until the interiors have thoroughly dried out.

3. Don’t be content with badly fitting windows and doors, but see that they are kept tightly shut.

4. Don’t stack the bags against the wall. Similarly, pile off-the-floor on wooden planks except in the case of a dry concrete floor.

5. Don’t forget to pile bags close together.

6.Don’t pile more than 10-bags high, and arrange the bags in header-and-stretcher fashion

7. Don’t disturb the stored cement until it is to be taken out for use.

8. Don’t take out bags from one tier only. Step back two or three tiers.

9. Don’t keep dead storage, that is, a stack which remains in place for a long time while other consignments of cement come in and go out.

10. Don’t stack bags on the ground for temporary storage at works site. Pile up on a raised dry platform and cover with tarpaulins.